Insurance Professionals Menu

  Library Journal image and quote from Matt Enis

Financial Literacy

$0.00 / year

Register for a membership (free) and get access to financial literacy tools and videos for teens, young adults, families and retirees. Start by selecting your state so we can tailor the content to the laws, regulations and competitive dynamics where your library is located.


Social distancing is changing your patrons insurance requirements. Offer this free service and help them save money. Sign up now.

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Insurance literacy is a gaping hole in the financial literacy of nearly every American, independent of age. ValChoice is addressing this problem with easy-to-use web applications and tutorials.

Librarians use ValChoice content for Women’s History Month, Financial Literacy Month and on-going financial literacy programming throughout the year. The content is specially packaged for libraries and can easily be made available to both staff and patrons through “libguides.”

The content is tailored to patrons by stage of life: teenage years, young adults, families (including families with children) and retirees. Importantly, insurance considerations are very different at each stage. Therefore, the content is customized to personalize the training to the users needs.

Offering this important information information will make your library a leader in financial literacy education.

March – Women’s History

Recent trends in car insurance pricing penalize women. Help your female patrons learn how they are being penalized and what they can do about it. Register to gain access to a ValChoice Special Report, a video and tools women can use to ensure fair pricing.

April – Financial Literacy

The tools and videos described below are used by libraries across the country to improve the financial literacy of patrons 16 years of age and older. Bring this programming to your library. Programming is provided in the form of :

  • Online web apps which users interact with to learn about insurance, specific to their situation
  • Educational videos to guide users through the process of using the web apps
    • Videos can be self administered with links we provide your library to use
    • Alternatively, library staff can administer the training, no special training required. Staff can simply start and stop the educational videos while patrons follow along with the web apps.

Web Applications

  • Online car insurance calculators, by state
  • Online home insurance calculators, by state
  • Ratings on thousands of auto and home insurance companies. All ratings are by state, Ratings include:
    • Value offered for the price
    • Claims handling (product quality)
    • Service

Educational Videos

The educational videos are designed to be used in a self taught manner, or in a group format with library staff administering the session. Library staff needs no specialized training. They can simply watch along, then stop the video when patrons need time to complete an exercise while using the web app on their phone or on a library computer.

  • Videos guiding users on how to use ValChoice online calculators and rating service
    • Car insurance calculator
    • Home insurance calculator
    • Getting ratings on car insurance companies
    • Ratings on home insurance companies
  • Videos explaining car insurance, including tips and frequently asked questions, by stage of life
    • 16 – 24 years old
    • 25 – 55 years of age
    • Over 55
  • Access to library of 18 videos answering many questions about car insurance, including:
    • How to find discounts
    • What impact does getting a speeding ticket have?
    • What will insurance cost on a different car?
    • How does my age affect car insurance price?
    • Does gender affect car insurance prices?
    • +13 more…


Simple worksheets are made available to patrons to use in order to easily tailor the calculator inputs to their personal needs.