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We provide independent, unbiased ratings on car and home insurance companies.
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"I saved $2,781 per year with the Compare Car Insurance report."
David W., New Hampshire
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“Karr (ValChoice founder) wants consumers to know how well or badly the insurance company they sign up with will treat them. A motorist plowed into Karr...and that was just the beginning.” Joe Rodriguez
Why Our Founder Started ValChoice
Like most people, I was fully insured with what I thought was good health and auto insurance. Then I was hit by a car. Everything seemed fine, until I got a letter in the mail saying I was being taken to collections for nearly $100,000 of medical bills that insurance companies weren’t paying.
After a lengthy process of recovering the money, I vowed to fix this problem. I vowed to apply my technology background to make sure no other family ever experience the same thing my family went through. ... READ MORE
“ValChoice, a data analytics company that aims to bring some transparency to the opaque insurance industry.” Gretchen Morgenson
We Use Data Analytics to Compare Car and Home Insurance Companies on:

Are you getting what you're paying for? Our analytics compares car and home insurance companies and let you know if yours is good, bad or ugly.

Is your insurance company good about paying claims? Until now, there was no way to know. ValChoice knows. We think you deserve to know too.

Is the service of your insurer what you deserve for the price? We measure the service of all companies so you can comparison shop.
"Carfax...for Insurance" Giovanni Rodriguez 
We Are Independent And Unbiased
Save time and money by starting with a ValChoice rating.

We use only data that has been reviewed by insurance commissioners. This is the highest quality data available.

Our mathematical model of the industry grades companies from 0 to 100. Finally, you can know how good your company is.