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How much is homeowners insurance where I live?


The cost of homeowners insurance varies significantly based on where you live. That’s why ValChoice built a home insurance calculator. Now anyone can find out what homeowners insurance should cost based on where they live. Click the button below to answer the question of how much is homeowners insurance? The ValChoice home insurance calculator answers the question for you.



Find Out How Much is Homeowners Insurance

First, click the link for your state at the bottom of this post. Next, look at the top of the home insurance calculator. You will see the average price of homeowners insurance in your state. Surprisingly, even without optimizing the cost by location within a state, the average price of home insurance varies by a factor of three times between the lowest and highest priced states.

How much is homeowners insurance for my house?

Unfortunately, having the data for your state isn’t that helpful. What consumers really need to know is “how much is homeowners insurance” for their house. Fortunately, this is easy. Just fill out the calculator to get your estimate.

Price Isn’t Everything

Not all insurance is created equal. As a data analytics company, ValChoice regularly sees insurance companies that price their insurance high, and sell a low-quality product. By low quality product, we mean a company that makes it difficult to collect a fair amount when you file a claim.

The reason companies do this is that consumers are trained to think high priced items are better quality. Unfortunately, this isn’t always true. With insurance, there has historically been so little transparency, insurance companies could get away with overpricing their product.

However, ValChoice is changing that. The mission of is to help you get a good price on good insurance. That’s why in addition to the home insurance calculator that you used above, we also provide ratings on companies. Just click the button below to find out how well your insurance company rates. Ratings are based on how fairly the insurance is priced, how good they are about paying claims and the level of service offered.


Is your homeowners insurance company working to earn your business?

Until now, it was hard to know much about insurance, other than the price. That’s all changed. You now have a rating of how good of a value your homeowners insurance is. If the free ValChoice rating above was good, tell a friend. If not, change companies. Fortunately, most states have a nice selection of excellent insurance companies. To find the best home insurance companies, ValChoice offers two options:

First Option: Shop With Only the Best homeowners Insurance Companies

Shopping the best homeowners insurance companies is easy. ValChoice lists the best companies in every state. Just click the button below to find the best insurance companies where you live.


Second Option: Use an Agent That Represents the Best Companies

If you prefer to have someone else do the work, no problem. It’s easy. Simply click the button below to find an agents that represents the best homeowners insurance companies. Agents listed on all represent award winning insurance companies. We don’t allow agents from poorly performing companies to register on


Find the Average Cost of Homeowners Insurance in Your State

Below are links to all 50 states and Washington D.C. Click the link to your state and you will see the average cost of home insurance for the state. If you wish to customize the estimate, use the calculator for a price tailored to your situation. These pages also includes lots of other information. For example, the best homeowners insurance companies in your state and answers to frequently asked questions.


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