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Quest for the Best Insurance Company


With the opening of the 2014 Olympics in Sochi, Russia, athletes from around the world will be competing on a world stage in their personal quest to be designated as “the best.” Having attended the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City as a spectator, I am fortunate to have experienced how remarkable the Olympics are as an event. The enthusiasm and energy that fills the streets and venues is both palpable and contagious.

With Olympic enthusiasm building to an apex over the next couple weeks, it’s time to tap into that energy and begin another “Quest for the Best.” Here at ValChoice we are sponsoring a “Quest for the Best Insurance Company.”

Find the best car insurance companies in your state. We name the best car insurance companies, by state.

All of us own insurance. Most of us have auto, home, health, life, disability, etc. Adding all these insurance costs together, the cost often equals or exceeds the our housing expense on a monthly basis. Despite this high cost, we often make hasty decisions with little information, other than price. Believe me, I know. I am guilty as charged because I used to think insurance was boooooring. There are good reasons for making hasty decisions, including: 1) Insurance is boring and 2) it’s hard to understand. It often seems the information available to help with decision making may as well be written in Greek, or any language we don’t know. This is about to change.

Quest for the Best Insurance Company Challenge

During our Quest for the Best Insurance Company challenge, you the consumer are the judge and the insurance companies are the athletes. Collectively we will decide how to judge the competitors. Ultimately, you the consumer will determine which companies are the best.

We will start by determining the judging criteria. How should insurance companies be judged:

  • Company financial strength (all competitors would get a gold medal so that may not be a very useful criteria)
  • Price of the policy (how much we have to pay per year for the policy)
  • Whether the company is good about paying claims or frequently forces policyholders to go to court

We want to hear from both the athletes (the insurance companies) and the judges (you the consumer). Once the judging criteria is determined we will begin the competition to identify the best insurance companies.

Let us know how good your insurance company is by submitting a review. Click here to review your insurance company. By reviewing your insurance company, you’re helping another person make a good decision about how to protect themselves and their family.

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